Condensed Matter Physics Ed 2 Free Ebook Download
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Antonio S T Pires graduated from the University of California in Santa Barbara in 1976. He is a Professor of Physics at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil researching quantum field theory applied to condensed matter. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Science, was the Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Physics, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. He has published the books ADS/CFT correspondence in condensed matter and theoretical tools for spin models in magnetic systems.
This Second Edition of the unified treatment of condensed matter physics keeps the best of the first, providing a basic foundation in the subject while addressing many recent discoveries. Comprehensive and authoritative, it consolidates the critical advances of the past fifty years, bringing together an exciting collection of new and classic topics, dozens of new figures, and new experimental data.
This updated edition offers a thorough treatment of such basic topics as band theory, transport theory, and semiconductor physics, as well as more modern areas such as quasicrystals, dynamics of phase separation, granular materials, quantum dots, Berry phases, the quantum Hall effect, and Luttinger liquids. In addition to careful study of electron dynamics, electronics, and superconductivity, there is much material drawn from soft matter physics, including liquid crystals, polymers, and fluid dynamics.
\"In this text intended for a one-year graduate course, Marder (physics, U. of Texas, Austin) comments in the preface that this second edition incorporates the many thousands of updates and corrections suggested by readers of the first edition published in 1999, and he even gives credit to several individuals who found the most errors. He also points out that \"the entire discipline of condensed matter is roughly ten percent older than when the first edition was written, so adding some new topics seemed appropriate.\" These new topics - chosen because of increasing recognition of their importance - include graphene and nanotubes, Berry phases, Luttinger liquids, diffusion, dynamic light scattering, and spin torques. The text also gives more leisurely attention to the topics of primary interest to most students: electron and phonon bond structures.\" (Reference and Research Book News, February 2011)
This is an introductory book on elementary particles and their interactions. It starts out with many-body Schrödinger theory and second quantization and leads, via its generalization, to relativistic fields of various spins and to gravity. The text begins with the best known quantum field theory so far, the quantum electrodynamics of photon and electrons (QED). It continues by developing the theory of strong interactions between the elementary constituents of matter (quarks). This is possible due to the property called asymptotic freedom. On the way one has to tackle the problem of removing various infinities by renormalization. The divergent sums of infinitely many diagrams are performed with the renormalization group or by variational perturbation theory (VPT). The latter is an outcome of the Feynman-Kleinert variational approach to path integrals discussed in two earlier books of the author, one representing a comprehensive treatise on path integrals, the other dealing with critial phenomena. Unlike ordinary perturbation theory, VPT produces uniformly convergent series which are valid from weak to strong couplings, where they describe critical phenomena.
This book lays the foundations of the theory of fluctuating multivalued fields with numerous applications. Most prominent among these are phenomena dominated by the statistical mechanics of line-like objects, such as the phase transitions in superfluids and superconductors as well as the melting process of crystals, and the electromagnetic potential as a multivalued field that can produce a condensate of magnetic monopoles. In addition, multivalued mappings play a crucial role in deriving the physical laws of matter coupled to gauge fields and gravity with torsion from the laws of free matter. Through careful analysis of each of these applications, the book thus provides students and researchers with supplementary reading material for graduate courses on phase transitions, quantum field theory, gravitational physics, and differential geometry.
Unfortunately, I did not participate in this fundamental endeavor since I was working on a field-theoretic derivation of the Algebra of Regge Residues (see also here), which had been postulated seven years earlier on phenomenological grounds by Cabibbo, Horwitz, and Ne'emann [Phys. Lett. 166, 1786 (1968)]. I found a derivation by generalizing Current Algebra to an algebra of bilocal quark charges of free quark fields. In fact, Yuval Ne'eman [who had discovered in 1961, simultaneously with Gell-Mann, the fact that mesons and nucleons occur in multiplets representing the symmetry group SU(3) and who became later Israel's Minister of Science and development (1982--1984) and of Energy (1990--1992)] was my office mate at Caltech in 1980 and was very happy about my derivation. We became close friends, and whenever he appeared on a ministerial visit in Berlin, he always found some spare time to meet me and discuss physics (protected by several body guards sitting at the tables around us).
Solid State Physics, better known by its colloquial name Ashcroft and Mermin, is an introductory condensed matter physics textbook written by Neil Ashcroft and N. David Mermin.[1] Published in 1976 by Saunders College Publishing and designed by Scott Olelius, the book has been translated into over half a dozen languages and it and its competitor, Introduction to Solid State Physics (often shortened to Kittel), are considered the standard introductory textbooks of condensed matter physics.
The book has been reviewed several times and has been recommended in many other works. In a review of another work by the MRS Bulletin in 2011, the book was said to be \"the indispensable work on electronic systems for experimental condensed matter physicists\", due largely to the book's \"lucidity and panache\".[2] The book is also recommended in other textbooks on condensed matter physics, including The Solid State by Harold Max Rosenberg in 1979, where it is called a \"detailed, higher-level, modern treatment.\"[3][4] The textbook Solid-State Physics for Electronics by Andre Moliton states in the foreword that the book aims to prepare students to \"use by him- or herself the classic works of taught solid state physics, for example, those of Kittel and Ashcroft and Mermin.\"[5] Along with Kittel, the textbook Introduction to Solid State Physics and Crystalline Nanostructures by Giuseppe Iadonisi, Giovanni Cantele, and Maria Luisa Chiofalo included the book in the \"Acknowledgements\" section as \"special mentions\".[6] It is also called one of the standard textbooks of solid state physics in the textbook Polarized Electrons In Surface Physics.[7] In a 2003 article detailing Mermin's contributions to solid state physics, the book was said to be \"an extraordinarily readable textbook of the subject, which introduced a whole generation of solid state specialists to a subtle and elegant way of doing theoretical physics.\"[8] The book, along with Kittel is also used as a benchmark for other books on solid-state physics; the publisher's description for the book Advanced Solid State Physics by Philip Phillips that was supplied to the Library of Congress for its bibliography entry states: \"This is a modern book in solid state physics that should be accessible to anyone who has a working level of solid state physics at the Kittel or Ashcroft/Mermin level.\"[9]
In July 2013, José Menéndez, a physics professor at the Arizona State University Tempe campus published an article titled \"Impressionism, Realism, and the aging of Ashcroft and Mermin\" in Physics Today that stated: \"It is undoubtedly one of the best physics books ever written, but it is not aging well\".[14] Both Ashcroft[15] and Mermin[16] wrote separate responses that were published in the same issue, addressing Menéndez's concerns. In his reply, Ashcroft wrote: \"Over the years many readers have remarked that the initial edition of our book should 'not be touched'; it is just right in its treatments of the fundamentals.\"[15] He then went on to say that writing a sequel \"encompassing the many advances in condensed-matter physics that have occurred over the past 38 years\" could be an option, but pointed to the fact that the book was translated into French, German, and Portuguese in the previous ten years as evidence that others agree it should be left as is.[15] 59ce067264